Ozona History

by Compiled by Amanda Deats-Coello

June 7, 1934

The general clean-up campaign, sponsored by the Ozona Woman's Club, was making progress this week after being slowed down early in the week by the rain. The campaign is under the general direction of Mrs. George Bean.

A truck has been employed to make a systematic round of the town, gathering up all trash and rubbish that has been sacked or boxed and placed in alleys or streets. A new appeal was issued by the committee in charge this week to residents to clean up their premises and to sack and box the trash and place it where the truck can get to it. If the rubbish is thus prepared, it will be hauled to the dump ground free of charge. The county is providing the necessary funds for truck hire in promoting the clean-up.

The town has been divided into sections and a club member named for each section to be responsible for seeing that the area in her charge is cleaned. The co-operation of all residents is especially urged that the town might be thoroughly cleaned and put on its best appearance for the rodeo.

June 8, 1944

Approximately 1,500 pounds of state textbooks, long out of adoption for use in Texas schools, representing the local accumulation for as long as 16 years, have been shipped for use in the Texas waste paper salvage drive. Supt. C. S. Denham of the Ozona Public Schools announced this week.

The out-of-date textbooks, some dated as far back as 1928, had been stored here awaiting disposal orders from the State Department of Education. The Department last week ordered the books to be shipped to Austin to be turned over to the scrap drive. The books were packed and shipped by regular freight truck, the freight paid by the State Department of Education.

June 3, 1954

Homes and automobiles were damaged in a terrific hail storm that struck Sheffield, 45 miles west of Ozona, early Tuesday evening, but the Pecos County community missed a tornado that skipped over a wide swath of ranch country to the west between Sheffield and Bakersfield.

Heavy rains accompanied the hail in the area, and ranches that shared in the moisture without the ice benefited from the violent thunderstorm activity. Hailstones the size of golf balls pelted Sheffield, according to Dudley Ingham, whose home there was damaged several hundred dollars by the hail, he said. The hail came from three different directions in the space of a few minutes, Ingham said. The hail was reported much heavier to the west and northwest of Sheffield, with possible widespread loss of livestock.

June 4, 1964

James Motor Co. Ad

June 6, 1974

Photo caption:

Janice Janes is shown here with her reserve champion mare, Mity Prima. Janice was one of the 30 participants in the show to compete for one or more of the 47 prizes given annually at the Crockett County 4- H Horse Show.

Sonra Bank Fall