Ozona History

by Compiled by Amanda Deats-Coello

May 31, 1934

Adding sex interest to baseball is expected to bring out a record crowd here at 5 o’clock this afternoon at the baseball park when The Ozona Giants meet the Hollywood Movie Stars, an all-girls baseball team from Hollywood, Calif, now on a tour of the United States, meeting semi-pro teams in all sections.

The girls’ team played the San Angelo Sheep Herders in San Angelo yesterday. The Herders taking the game 4-2.

They are being brought for other games in this section and will likely play in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas and other Texas cities before continuing their tour. They will finish the season at the World's Fair in Chicago.

June 1, 1944

Ozona National Bank Ad

May 27, 1954

The fight to control such invading plants as bitterweed and cocklebur is increasing in the Crockett Soil Conservation District. These plants have been observed coming up in bare areas that were once free from them. Several ranchers have requested that these two plants be put on display so that those not knowing them can get positive identification. Samples of both these plants can be seen in the Ozona Stockman’s window.

May 28, 1964

Thanks to the persistence of Brad Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Harris, and a 1964 Ozona High School graduate, the cross-country thieving spree of five Wichita Falls youths came to an abrupt end here Sunday and the youths may have been saved from possible prison terms by having their budding criminal careers suddenly halted. Mrs. Ernest Dunlap was visiting the Harris’ home, having driven her husband's pickup on the trip.

Brad went out to get in his car and saw a young man jump from the Dunlap pickup with a five-gallon can of gasoline. The young man jumped into a red car with four other youths, and Brad ran for his own car to pursue them. They took off north on Highway 163 but turned west at the next block. Young Harris, quickly appraising the situation, decided that the boys would turn south again at the next street to head either on Highway 290 or 163 South. So he took the next street down and, sure enough, he was right. He met the fleeing car at the next corner, almost head-on.

He hastily returned home and phoned Sheriff Bill Mills’ office. A radio broadcast description of the car, the license and its occupants immediately went on the air.

May 30, 1974

Over 20 youthful drug offenders were hauled in by officers Tuesday of last week when a routine roadblock was set up eight miles west of Ozona on Highway 290. Scores of lawmen from over the area assisted in the 12-hour operation. By Tuesday of this week, there were nine persons remaining in Crockett County jail who were unable to make bond or pay fines ranging from $400 to $700. A roadblock last month in Pecos County on Highway 290 netted over 20 drug arrests in a 12-hour period, indicating a good deal of drug traffic daily through this area.

Sonra Bank Fall