by complied by Amanda Deats-Coello

May 4, 1944

Following a special session of the Crockett County Commissioners Court, held Monday, May 1, at which returns from the special dog law election held April 22 were canvassed. The Court issued a proclamation making the new law effective in this county. Finding a majority of voters in favor of the registration of and a tax on dogs, the court set June 4, 1944, as the date on which the dog law becomes effective in the county. Declaring that on and after that date “it shall be unlawful to own a dog in Crockett County without being registered and a tax be paid thereon.” Dog license tags will cost the dog owner $1 a year, and the county treasurer is charged with the responsibility of collecting the tax and issuing the licenses.

April 30, 1964

Marg Smith announced this week the opening of her beauty salon in new quarters in the newly completed Ivy Mayfield building at 1102 Avenue I across the street from the Church of Christ. Mrs. Smith is operating in enlarged and more efficient quarters and announced more efficient service for her customers. The formal opening of the new beauty salon is planned for Monday, May 4, with registration for free permanents to be awarded to three winners. Meanwhile, the beauty salon is in operation at the new location. Mrs. Smith and her operators carried on while the new building was under construction in temporary quarters in the former Joe Patrick Electric Shop building on the Sheffield Highway.

May 2, 1974

The Ozona Lion was presented to Ozona High School in assembly Wednesday by the members of this year’s graduating class. The senior class, on its trip to Six Flags, found and purchased the huge stuffed lion with all members pitching in to pay the $100 price. Shown here with the animal are members of the Speech II class. From left to right they are, front row, Lara Arledge, Karen Williams, Jim West, Teresa Shaw. In back, left to right, are Martha Flores, Jim Gillit with Harvey Weant perched on his shoulders, Rick Hunnicutt, Gary Mitchell, Ann Glynn, Pat Sanker, Robert Perez, and Kathy Roberts.

May 4, 1994

Ozona National Bank Ad

Ozona July