March 21, 1984
For the first time in its history, Crockett County, one of the nation’s largest sheep and goat-raising counties, has a warehouse solely owned by a large group of local producers. The move was made Thursday, March 1, 1984, with the purchase of the interest of Vernon Jones and Bill Mansfield in Ozona Wool and Mohair Company by a group of over 30 local ranchers. In addition to purchasing the local warehouse, the new group became a 25 percent stockholder in the newly formed Warehouse Capital Management Company, thus aligning Ozona with warehouses in Sonora and Mertzon in the management of the seven-member warehouse group.
March 23, 1994
Larry Albers, a long-time resident of Ozona, apartment owner and proprietor of Albers Sales, was found dead in his 1981 Buick 30 miles south of Ozona in a ravine on Hwy. 163 Monday afternoon. Albers had been reported missing since Wednesday morning of last week by a friend, Susie Neumuller. The Crockett County Sheriff’s Department conducted multiple searches but failed to find either Albers or his automobile. Sheriff Jim Wilson said early Monday before the body was found there was no evidence to lead him to believe there was foul play, but as a precaution, he was investigating the disappearance as if there was one. Wilson asked for Texas Rangers to enter the case Monday morning.
March 24, 2004
The Webelos 2, Patrol 1, Cub Scout group of Pack 153 of Ozona, spent their Spring Break reliving a part of history. The group participated in the camping program aboard the Blue Ghost of World War II fame-the U.S.S. Lexington Aircraft Carrier-now permanently berthed at Corpus Christi on March 10-12. The patrol was inducted into the Navy upon arrival and, along with other groups, became "shipmates" for the weekend. As Lexington shipmates, they traded in a familiar language for one that translated floors to decks, walls to bulkheads, restrooms to heads and water fountains to scuttlebutts.
March 19, 2014
Nicole Higgins brought home the gold last week in state powerlifting. Higgins, a senior at OHS, placed first in the 148-pound class at the meet in Corpus Christi. She had 400 in squat, 145 in bench press and 315 in dead lift for a total of 860 pounds. Sophomore Ashley Vargas placed fifth in the 165-pound class with a 310 in squat, 135 in bench press, and 290 in deadlift for a total of 735.
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